There is no permanent
state of normal.

There has been a massive shift in how people across the environmental, social and health sectors think, behave, make decisions, organize their internal communications and work. 

These changes impact how companies communicate with and manage people both externally and internally.

Santé was built as a response
to this emerging world.

We’ve built a better mousetrap for capturing insights and delivering the right communication in the most captivating way to punch people in their hearts and inspire action. 

Learn More about our Methodology

Human Health

Whether it's healthy lives or a healthy planet, Big Pharma or Biotech startups, brands must amplify their reason for being in a way that aligns with their core strategic objectives and galvanizes the talent audience they seek to attract.  Both internally and externally, a genuine communication of purpose is essential. The organization must align and authentically convey its purpose to employees, professionals and consumers.

For our clients in both categories, R&D efforts unleashing life changing potential, we chart a course toward identity and clarity of purpose with a human voice. Progress is facilitated when they have a clear direction with which they can move forward with precision, distinguishing themselves and propelling themselves towards sustained success amidst intense competition and fluctuating market factors.

Environmental Health

Working with global solar energy companies and carbon sequestration seed stage startups we see that conversations around environmentalism and climate are changing complexion. The environmental movement had been historically seen as altruistic -- it was about making sacrifices. But the dynamics have shifted.

The people who are embracing solar energy today are people who prioritize control, comfort and self-reliance. The movement is about modernity and being in step with the times.  Millennials have a different way of thinking about the way that homes are valued altogether, away from a simple price-per-square-foot metric to something that incorporates factors like energy efficiency, resiliency, and indoor air quality—and more accurately reflects long-term homeowner value.

Consumers are also now, more than ever, seeking one-of-a-kind leisure and travel experiences where they can fully immerse themselves in the culture of the area they’re visiting and putting a premium on environmentally responsible travel. Today, personal and family experiences are sought after above material acquisitions by many consumers.

Social Health

Nonprofits face unique challenges. Branding has less to do with gaining a competitive advantage and more to do with clarifying, galvanizing  and mobilizing internal and external stakeholders -- donors, volunteers, partners, networks, policymakers and beneficiaries around the mission and a Theory of Change.  To be intrinsically motivated and effect change; Together. So that volunteers, employees, partners, supporters, patrons, donors can all authentically and personally communicate the essence and the spirit of the brand.

Nonprofit organizations and cultures are largely decentralized and collaborative. This puts a central emphasis on focus, buy-in, cohesion and trust. Nonetheless, there has been a proliferation of nonprofits in the past few decades and organizations do need to position themselves relative to other players in the ecosystem. Nonprofit brands need to think through their unique significance and determine how they are going to meet unmet needs in a unique way.

Organizational Health

Individuals who feel a stronger connection with their professional networks are 1.5 times more likely than their counterparts to express engagement in their work.

The pandemic brought us to a moment of collective reckoning about what it means to live well and to work well. As a result, employees are sending employers a signal. Working from home brought life literally into our work. And as the world went hybrid, employees are drawing firmer boundaries about how much of their work comes into their life. Where does this leave employers? And which programs contribute most to weaving back together frayed connections? It's not just money or work-life balance but a combination of relational elements and transactional elements; professional development, purpose, the relational fabric and sense of community in the workday and the ability to contribute and feel valued.

Millennials are particularly sensitive -- they did, after all usher in the concept of ‘self-care.’ They have much more self interested views on job hopping and quiet quitting than Gen X.

Your right to win

No one is better at understanding these changes. We've been cross-training for this moment. 

We're built on combined experience inside multinational healthcare companies, biotech startups, energy companies, non-profits, global agencies, research and creative firms.

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